

1 rating


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[Photo Album] #229

One concept 69 erotic pics high quality resolution ( 3600x5200 pixels)

Other photo books are available at https://gumroad.com/jangthur97

( Note: All pics are not full nude )


Special Event

Buy automatic sucking toy for men https://giangne.store

and get free 1 photo album


☞ Follow 'Jangnevn' Gumroad (https://gumroad.com/jangthur97) to receive continuous new information by e-mail even if '@Jangthur97' Instagram account is deleted


※ Event

If you send us the purchase certification of 5 stars according to the conditions and methods below, we will send you disccount code to get off photobook for next purchase.

■ Condition and method

① Please capture and send the screen that you bought from Gumroad and gave 5 stars.

You have to take a picture so that you can see all 5 stars and the name of the pictorial.

② Please send the above screenshots to Instagram @jangthur97 via DM

③ We will send code by DM and Email.



- Prohibit reproduction without permission

- Minors cannot purchase

- This product is a digital product. Due to the nature of the product, cancellation or return after purchase is not possible.

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